• Zahnarzt Dr. Reinhard Winkelmann gibt interessante Einblicke in die schräge Welt der Zähne – Zahnpflegetipps und vieles mehr.
Welcome to oxidio in Gärtingen

From the dental practice

Tips, tricks and information from practice and from life.

Welcome to Germany‘s probably best dentist

Current Vlog

Lukas Winkelmann clears up myths and provides interesting insights into the quirky world of teeth.

Treat yourself with a nice glass of acid

WIMA tells you the truth

Dr. Reinhard Winkelmann speaks plainly about everything that happens in the mouth.

The current vlog with Lukas Winkelmann, DMD
and Dr. Reinhard Winkelmann

To build even better relationship with our patients, we would like to introduce our Oxidio YouTube channel.

An electric toothbrush makes teeth shine. If you use it the right way.

Three most common mistakes brushing teeth and how to avoid them.

How to use the water floss properly.

Nitrous oxide- laughing gas. Why we use the laughing gas. And how about kids?

WIMA tells you the truth

What is periodontitis, how does it develop and what does the family have to do with it?

What are the causes and symptoms of “pregnancy gingivitis”?

WIMA provides information about inflammation of the gums, also known as “gingivitis”.

Acid and sugar affect your dental health. But wheat must also be considered.

What sugar does to your teeth, explains Dr. Winkelman in this video.

Dr. Reinhard “WIMA” Winkelmann explains how holes form and what acid has to do with it.

From the dental practice

Welcome to oxidio in Gärtringen.

It starts as soon as you enter the practice. Bridges are built at Oxidio.

It starts as soon as you enter the practice. Bridges are built at Oxidio.