• Willkommen in der Zahnarztpraxis OXIDIO Dr. Winkelmann in Gärtringen


Going to the dentist is simply not the same as doing groceries. We know that. That is why we care so much about making your stay at our practice as comfortable as it gets. On this page, we would like to introduce our team to you. So that when you come to see us next time, you will already know all the staff you are going to meet at our practice.

We enjoy training dedicated young people. On a regular base we are hiring promising talent. Therefore you will get to know new and friendly staff members from time to time.

We are very proud of our young and competent team. A friendly work atmosphere in our practice is of great importance to us. That begins with a pleasant experience at the front desk and is followed by comfortable treatment and smooth processing of payment and insurance matters.

Dentist Lukas Winkelmann, DMD


Lukas Winkelmann, DMD

Since July 2019, Lukas Winkelmann, DMD, has been strengthening the practice alongside his father. After graduating from high school, Lukas Winkelmann studied dentistry at UPenn in Philadelphia, USA.

Dentist Dr. Winkelmann


Dr. Winkelmann

Dr Winkelmann has been working as a dentist since 1980 and was also active in professional politics for several years. In his work, the well-being of his patients is the top priority.

Harvey Lum praktizierte in einer Privatpraxis in Los Angeles woraufhin er über 30 Jahre im zahnmedizinischen Bereich der U.S. Army tätig war.

Contact person for US patients

Harvey Lum DDS

Born in Hawaii, Harvey Lum went into private practice in Los Angeles and spent over 30 years in the U.S. dental field. Army was active.