Patient information

Dear Patients,

Our dental office is staying updated on the Corona Virus.

Please visit our dental office only wearing medical mouth/nose protection (FFP2 or KN 95). If possible, come alone to your appointment. Children under 18 or patients who are dependent on an escort are of course excluded.

If you have an appointment and you are experiencing ANY cold like symptoms, please re-schedule. Cold like symptoms include runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing and temperature. We are currently open for business. Stay tuned for any updates or changes.

You can get more information here.

We gratefully appreciate your understanding during these times.

Your OXIDIO Team

OXIDIO Weihnachten

Merry Christmas


Happy holidays Oxidio

We welcome Lena to our Team

We welcome Lena Morgan to our OXIDIO-Team. She is born in Czech Republic. After her high school graduation Lena moved to Germany and later to London. In London she worked many years for an Investment Bank. She’s a proud military spouse who’s been living in Stuttgart over a year. Her two kids and two dogs are her passion.

Lena is excited to be part of our Team and she will start working as a Patient Liaison, Marketing and Social Media Manager in January. We are looking forward to a great time and we are sure that she will soon become an important and reliable part of our Team.


Herzlich willkommen in der Zahnarztpraxis OXIDIO in Gärtringen

Welcome to Oxidio, Lukas Winkelmann, DMD

We have good news! Lukas Winkelmann, DMD has joined the Oxidio dental office in July 2019. The young dentist is looking forward to the close collaboration with his father and mentor.

Lukas Winkelmann studied dental medicine in the US after his graduation from highschool in Böblingen. After he graduated from Tusculum University with a pre-med major, he then contunied his education at the famous Ivy League school University of Pennsylvania, one of the worlds leading institutions in dentistry.

Despite receiving the best possible training in the US over the course of 8 years, he stayed true to his roots and moved back to his motherland. Contrary to the US, dentists in Germany do not usually specialize in only one aspect of dentistry. This is especially important to Lukas Winkelmann, because he cares about the well-being of his patients and provides a versatile and comprehensive treatment. His work revolves around the individual needs of a patient and their existing condition. His goal is to provide a comfortable and reasonable medical treatment.

One of the main reasons for him to study in the US was sports: besides dentistry, tennis is a big passion of his. In college he received a full ride, which ensured daily practice alongside his demanding studies. During college and his summers in Germany he won numerous major titles and awards. Recently in 2018 he was included in the “Hall of Fame” for his excellent academic and athletic performance at the Tusculum University, his Alma Mater.

For more information on this topic please visit Tusculum Athletics.


We congratulate on the anniversaries

What a beautiful reason to celebrate: three of our team members are celebrating their anniversary with us.

Carolin Arndt and Susanne Brändle both had their 10 year anniversary with Oxidio: Carolin Arndt has been with us since February, and Susanne Brändle since March 2009.

Also, in april Verena Scheider had her 4000th work day at the office.

We are very happy that these competent and motivated members have been with us for such a long time, and we hope that they will be part of our team for many more years. That’s why we take the chance to say thank you!

The people in our office are most important to us: our patients as well as our employees. A good medical treatment is impossible without dedicated personnel, their rich experience, and empathy. Since 1983, Oxidio has been consistently growing and improving as a result of the support, aid, and collaboration of our employees.

We would like to thank our celebrators and our whole team very much and are looking forward to the next years together at Oxidio.


Our visit at the IDS in Cologne

On Saturday, 16 March 2019 the world’s biggest dental exhibition, the International Dental Show (IDS) came to an end. A five day convention about the latest advancements. The interest for innovative products and techologies was astonishingly high. This became apparent through the sheer size of the event, the numerous exhibitors, and countless conversations. Overall the exhibition was very inspiring to us, especially witnessing the speed in which the digital-dental world evolves.

As detailed in the final report of the exhibition „products and systems for better digital workflows and additive manufacturing, new prophylaxis formulars and filling materials, innovative intra-oral scanners and implant designs as well as flexible laboratory management workflows” where the central aspects of the IDS 2019.

We have been investing into these technologies and new oppotunities, because the digital aspect increases workflow efficiency. At the end oft he day it’s about the level of care we can provide to our patients and performing high quality work. This encouraged us to make certain additions to the office. Including new treatment units and the intra-oral scanner by Dental Wings, a very exciting device with fast software that simplifies oral scanning while raising the bar in terms of quality. We have another scanner in mind that is still waiting for scientific reports, that is able to detect caires without having to take xrays. Exciting times!

The date for the next IDS and thus the 39th International Dental Show is already set: 9 – 13 March 2021. Because we keep up with advancements for our patients we won’t miss out on the future trends and already marked the date in our calendars. True to the motto: you have to move with the times or the times move you.